Gray Clay Shale

7/7/2023 water L, 82u-v, 9:20-11:15

Wind: 5mph from NW
OC: 7+/8 (6 in 4SE)

Glorious Bird songs fill the space
Sun Sparkles Waters
Gentle breeze smears the trees and clouds on the water’s surface
Blue heron footprints in the shallows under bridge1/2
Where are all the North Lake turtles?
Crickets resound from the banks of 1N
1NE Beaver Dam appears to have five entrances
Tiny floating fish skeleton – smaller than my pinky finger
New bird on banks: white-faced ibis
Thin and layers of gray clay shale underneath thick rocks
My green heron breifly allows me a 10foot distance
Yellow butterflies bounce along the banks
F-18s* dip and dive
Such a gorgeous day

*Purple Martins