7/16/2023 water L, 82u-v, 9:20-11:30
Wind: 4mph from SW
OC: 8/8+
Birds happily welcome
Bluegreen water and smoky greenblue trees
Concentric circles stipple surface and spread
Quiet people fishing from banks and from boats
Turtles dreamily rise to surface to feel the sun
Slaps of big fish from behind
Preening geese on 3/4 Islands
Green heron couple waits on islands of 4SE
Black velvet butterfly flutters about on rocks
Wind picks up and wrinkles waters
Shadows of paddlefish beneath the surface
Beaver swimming during day slaps his tail in warning then dives deep
-new beaver dam in 3NE?
Purple Martins swoop and dive for sips
Turtles surface to chomp floating plants
Gorgeous breezes disperse energy