7/29/2023, water L, 82u-v, 9:30-11:20
Wind: 8mph from W
OC: 8+
Steely clouds start to break after morning rain
Bluegreen water alive with subtle golden sparkles
Surrounded by lush green and glorious bird songs
Turtles lift up to glimpse the morning sun
Four green herons in 1N
Cormorants wait on tips of submerged tree branches
Thick black dragonflies supremely patrol 1N with iridescent copper wings
Water levels continue to drop, despite all the rain
New island emerging at the tip of 3 lookout
Brilliantly bejeweled water of 3/4; cameras can never capture
Groups of cicadas alternate gentle rattling undulations
Cormorants now spreading wings proudly upon return to 1N
Sky becomes blue with feathery white clouds
Vultures circle above
Luscious scents waft about the lake
Waters now shimmers with incredible energy
Such peace and calm within such vibrancy