Geese Float Quietly

8/23/2023, water L, 82u-v, 4:00-6:30

Wind: 8mph from W
OC: 8

Hot hazy humid day!
Cicada energy in surround sound
Gaggles of geese float quietly across the lake
Impressive acrobatics of purple martin flocks above
-so many, almost appear in swarms
Turtles peek up occasionally
Fluorescent green flex and blooms in 3
Such incredible scents fill the entire valley of 1
Snakes and turtles bask in the sun
Cormorant again waits at attention on tips of submerged branches
Young deer graze along the banks
Found submerged flipped turtle shell and its skeletal remains in 1NE cove
-was that the Big Mama or someone else?
Hazy still calm of a hot summer afternoon