Golden Shimmering Water

10/13/2023, water L, 82uv, 3:15-5:00pm

Wind: 8mph from SE
OC: 6+

Crickets, grasshoppers and waving leaves fill the space
Sweet, herbal, grassy scents
Wind energy shimmers waters and vibrates trees
Traversed board into 1 again
1NW exposed branch – now up to greater trochanter level
Cormorants not perched today – only one floating behind sandbar, startled away when approached
Golden shimmering water – camera never does justice
Cool water on feet
Kingfisher machine-guns from bank to bank
Again wind pushes out all sounds, all thoughts
A few turtles sunbathe, the color as baked rocks
My Green Herons may have left
Monarchs diligently making their way southwesterly across water (at least 15 spotted seperately)
Geese fly honking overhead, but do not stop
Such peace, such energy