6/22/2024, red R, 10:00-12:00pm
Morning temp already above 85° and humid
Birds call sweetly back and forth amid gentle backdrop of crickets
Quiet trickle of the creek
Deep resonant sounds of rocks with each traversing creek step
Forest: still, quiet, attentive
Once thick moss, now thinning in its retreat back into wood
Lovely intricate spider webs
Forest opens up to sun-soaked, cricket-ringing Prairie
Black-eyed susans, ripening berries, soft white flowers, sweet herbal scents
Gorgeous wheats and grasses – tall and rising
Bumble bees, tiny bees and ants collect from the wild bergamot
Orange illuminated in the greens of the Prairie
Deep dive back into the forest
Bright green black walnut seed pods sprinkle the trail
2-hour submersion into beauty and awe – like weeks in paradise