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Greenest of Greens
4/6/2024, red R, 10:15-12:15 Greeted by the most brilliant bluebird dipping across the trailSurrounded by the greenest of greensInterspersed by tiny pink flowers, purples, blues and daffodilsRushing CreekBreeze-shivered...
Bluegreen Wrinkled Water
3/30/2024, water R, 81v-dr, 1:00-3:00 Wind: 19mph from SWOC: 5+/6 (chopped by wind) Bright and sunny, strong windy dayTrees and grasses bend along banksBluegreen wrinkled waterBrightest of green climbs...
White Petals
3/24/2024, land L 9:30-11:10 Cold, bright early spring morningFaint green hills spotted with white flowering treesBirds jubilantly, out-singing each otherGeese call in the distanceWhistle to graceful vultures...
Shiny-Leafed Carpet
3/17/2024, red L, 9:45-12:00 Sun shines from behind the misty morning skyGreen shiny-leafed carpet with slick yellow flowers pushing upBirds sing joyouslyTrees creek and rustle with the windVines climb...
Faintest of Green
3/13/2024, water L, 82u-v, 2:40-4:45 Wind: 11mph from SWOC: 6+ Bright warm spring dayWater still rising!Faintest of green in the lower tree lineA few Turtles out sunny rocks, exposed branches and starting...
Red Fuzzy Sporophyte Hues
3/3/2024, red R, 9:30-12:00 Beautiful spring morning – not the only one with the idea of coming today!Dew-covered buttercupsDaffodils pushing up their leaves, but not yet floweringGreen shiny leaves...