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Wind-Stirred Water
12/7/2023, water R, 81uv-dr, 2:15-4:00 Wind: 14mph from SWOC: 6+/7 High energy wind-stirred waterBrilliant westerly watersGull sit on top of water and fly above to surveilCoots float in large flock, keeping...
Leaf-Crushed Trails
12/3/2023, red R, 9:30-11:30 Gray clouded dayGrays and browns and faint late autumn orangesVibrant mosses amidst subdued colorsBirds and foragers extremely activeMind highly focused on future plansDry,...
Cloud-Smeared Surface
12/2/2023, water L, 82u-v, 10:15-12:00 Wind: 5mph from WOC: 6+/7 Steely gray-blue cloud-covered skyBarren trees and sunken water levelsTraversing longer distances on land to bring board into 1OG sandbar...
Partially Chomped Acorn
11/18/2023, red L, 9:25-11:20 Chilly, misty morningSparkling grasses, shiny leaves, slick branchesBird sounds fill the treesSoft moss-carpeted tree trunksJust like that – red orange Oriental Bittersweet...
Greens, Oranges, Reds and Mauves
11/12/2023, water L, 82u-v, 11:00-12:15 Wind: 7mph from EOC: 7 Gorgeous sunny brisk fall daySurrounded by greens, oranges, reds, and mauvesIntoxicating scents fill the lake valleyWater levels continue...
Nature Just Is
11/6/2023 land(!), R, 2:30-4:00 In the midst of so much death, sadness, bad news and turmoil – surrounded by supportive sounds of crickets, grasshoppers and leaves rustling in the windSuch sweet...