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Golden Shimmering Water
10/13/2023, water L, 82uv, 3:15-5:00pm Wind: 8mph from SEOC: 6+ Crickets, grasshoppers and waving leaves fill the spaceSweet, herbal, grassy scentsWind energy shimmers waters and vibrates treesTraversed...
Silvery Water
10/7/2023, water R, 81v-dr, 9:45-11:30 Wind: 12mph from WOC: 6 First cold fall morning (in the 40s!)Sun attempts to peek through cloudsSilvery water reflects clouded skySandbar in 3 more exposed -about...
Earthen Scents
10/6/2023 red L, 9:30-12:00 Cool, damp morning under cloud-sealed skySurrounded by variations in volume, rhythm, pitch and tone of cricket ringing-adding inexplicable comfort and depthLovely earthen scents:...
Water Breathes with Wind Energy
9/22/2023, water L, 86tri, 3:30-5:00 Wind: 9mph from EOC: 6+ (chopped up) Gorgeous, windy, sunny dayWater breathes with wind energyMore and more yellow in the treesUnfortunately needs to be said again:...
Emerging Yellows and Hints of Orange
9/21/2023 red R 2:45-5:00 Gorgeous, breezy, sunny dayYellow and bright green dappled ceilingPersistent hollow knocking, creakingCreek only trickles now, much drier than usualTiny red velvety mite spotted...
Freshwater Oyster Trails
9/10/2023, water R, 81v-dr, 9:40-11:30 Wind: 5mph from NOC: 7+/8 Cool, cloudy, breezy morningSubtle yellows and oranges beginning to emerge in lining treesGentle blanket of cricket sounds surroundSandbar...