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November 13, 2023
11/4/2023, red R, 9:40-1:45 Beautiful bright morningLeaf and acorn-covered trailsChirping birds, clucking squirrels, rustlings in leavesLeaves, stuck on rocks, slow the creekGolden light brightens barren...
October 29, 2023
10/18/2023, water R, 81v-dr, 3:00-5:00pm Wind: 10mph from SOC: 6 Cool constant breeze on a sunny dayGreen, yellow, and red-leafed trees line the lake’s edgesLone goose floats in 3Gentle hush of crickets...
October 29, 2023
10/14/2023, water L, 81v-dr, 12:00-2:00pm Wind: 13mph from WOC: 6+ Partial eclipse today on this cloudy day-Said to start about 11:45 and peak around 1:05Crickets resound – even through wind’s...
October 29, 2023
10/13/2023, water L, 82uv, 3:15-5:00pm Wind: 8mph from SEOC: 6+ Crickets, grasshoppers and waving leaves fill the spaceSweet, herbal, grassy scentsWind energy shimmers waters and vibrates treesTraversed...
October 15, 2023
10/7/2023, water R, 81v-dr, 9:45-11:30 Wind: 12mph from WOC: 6 First cold fall morning (in the 40s!)Sun attempts to peek through cloudsSilvery water reflects clouded skySandbar in 3 more exposed -about...
October 15, 2023
10/6/2023 red L, 9:30-12:00 Cool, damp morning under cloud-sealed skySurrounded by variations in volume, rhythm, pitch and tone of cricket ringing-adding inexplicable comfort and depthLovely earthen scents:...
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