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Harmonious, Vibrant Ecosystem
8/25/2023 red R, 9:30-11:45 Balmy, steamy, overcast morningAlready 92° at 9:30!Cicadas roaringFallen pink lilies chaotically cover the forest floorSlick, damp limestone stepsFoggy golden haze coats the...
Geese Float Quietly
8/23/2023, water L, 82u-v, 4:00-6:30 Wind: 8mph from WOC: 8 Hot hazy humid day!Cicada energy in surround soundGaggles of geese float quietly across the lakeImpressive acrobatics of purple martin flocks...
Cascades of Rattling Cicadas
8/20/2023, water R, 82u-v, 9:45-11:45 Wind: 3-6mph from SOC: 7 Trees alive with sound-didgeridoo cascades of rattling cicadasGorgeous, golden sparkling waterBright green specks of algae blooms in 3Three...
Vultures Circle
8/18/2023, water R, 81v-dr, 4:00-5:30 Wind: 7mph from NEOC: 5+/6 (chopped and stirred by wind) Wind chops waters, muffles sounds and thoughtsBlue heron stands quietly in 3/4Visiting snowy egret shows incredible...
Feathers Speckle Surface
8/5/2023, water L, 81v-dr, 9:30-11:45 Wind: 5mph from EOC: 8+/9 Greeted by singing birds and sparkling watersTrees gently sway and shimmer leavesBlue heron feather glides effortlessly on waterVultures...
Silt-Coated Turtles
8/2/2023, water R, 86tri, 3:30-5:30 Wind: 5mph from SEOC: 7+ Quiet peaceful overcast dayMourning dove calls soulfullyEndless depths of green blue water in 4SE and 1Surrounded by rattling cicadas and brushing...