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July 16, 2023
7/16/2023 water L, 82u-v, 9:20-11:30 Wind: 4mph from SWOC: 8/8+ Birds happily welcomeBluegreen water and smoky greenblue treesConcentric circles stipple surface and spreadQuiet people fishing from banks...
July 9, 2023
7/9/2023, water R, 81v-dr, 9:20-11:20 Wind: 5mph from NOC: 7+ (8+ in 1) Gentle cricket chimesGreen always more brilliant on a cloudy dayVibrant, dynamic sparkling as the sun peeks throughFish breaks through...
July 7, 2023
7/7/2023 water L, 82u-v, 9:20-11:15 Wind: 5mph from NWOC: 7+/8 (6 in 4SE) Glorious Bird songs fill the spaceSun Sparkles WatersGentle breeze smears the trees and clouds on the water’s surfaceBlue...
July 7, 2023
7/4/2023 water L, 81v-dr, 9:00-11:00 Wind: 2mph from NOC: 7+/8 Gorgeous brilliant morning as morning fog evaporatesPaddle today to push out any remaining covidCirrus clouds streak the water’s surfaceTurtles...
July 4, 2023
7/3/2023, land L, 9:00-11:00 Gorgeous opaque morning with green blue water and emerald treesCrickets and birds join in gorgeous orchestral masterpieceWater beckons, but walking today to fight off covidInteresting...
June 28, 2023
6/27/2023, red R, 9:30-11:30 Cool, fresh, misty morningCrickets confidently ringCompletely surrounded by greenRustles and scampers through lush, leafy forest floorNew mushrooms sprout from decadent and...
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