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June 17, 2023
6/17/2023 water L, 86tri, 8:30- 10:20 Wind: 2mph from NOC: 8+ Steam rises from the water with ethereal graceSettled fog opaques the treesCrickets, birds songs and luscious scents fill the valleyNorth lake,...
June 17, 2023
6/16/2023, red L, 2:10-4:10 Overcast windy daySend a freshly cracked woodMarsh pond coated in thick blanket of greenMelodic backdrop of chiming cricketsGreen brightens in the depths of the forestContinuous...
June 11, 2023
6/9/2023, red R, 9:30-11:40 Summer camps officially in session with excited shouts from eager kidsGentle ring of crickets and busy bird chirpsGolden sun filters through gaps in illuminated green canopyFresh...
June 9, 2023
6/4/2023, water L, 82u-v, 10:00-11:45 Wind: 7mph from NEOC: 8+ Entire reservoir filled with bird songs and breezesWater sparkles and shimmersF18 birds switch mid air and dive for sipsGeese graze and rest...
June 2, 2023
5/31/2023, water R, 81v-dr, 2:00-4:00pm Wind: 7mph from SEOC: 8 Puffy white clouds in the bright blue skyWind ripples waterBlue heron silently skims across the lake, inches over waterWhite cotton puffs...
May 26, 2023
5/26/2023, red L, 9:00-11:10am Gorgeous bright crisp morningMerlin id is a game-changer – putting names to the many calls and faces(-like Eastern Towhee, and Eastern Wood-Pewee, Red-eyed Vireo, Wood...
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