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Cicada Rhythms
8/8/2024, water R, 65stingray, 4:00-6:00pm Wind: 12mph from SOC: 6 Wind and clouds deepen waterCicadas rhythms vibrate and rattle treesSweet Clover scent fills 4SEOsprey visits 1N todayTurtles still devouring...
Hot, Hot, Breezy
8/6/2024, water L, 65stingray, 4:15-6:00pm Wind: 8mph from SWOC: 7 Hot hot, breezy summer afternoonPoor floating Fawn, surrounded by turtlesVultures circle aboveThree cormorants today in 1NKingfishers...
Such Calm And Peace
7/30/2024, water R, 65stingray, 3:00-5:10 12:00 Wind: 8mph from WOC: 6/6+ Gorgeous lovely scent feels the entire lake valleyCicadas and crickets resound in 1NCormorant hops off his 1N perch to keep a distanceWater...
Trees bursting
7/20/2024, water R, 65stingray, 10:00- 12:00 Wind: 3mph from NEOC: 7 Trees bursting with rattling cicadasShadows of paddlefishWhite Downy feathers sit on top of still watersGleaming sun follows along Shining...
7/13/2024, red L, 10:45-12:15pm Sound of cricketsUndulating waves of rattling cicadasPrairie Lush and fillingSweet sweet herbal scentsDistracted
Crickets Chime
7/12/2024, water L, 65stingray, 4:15pm Wind: 4mph from WOC: 7 Beautiful surrounding greens reflect perfectlyGreeted by sweetest herbal scentFlock of purple martins plan their divesBubbles rise from depths...