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Crunchy Steps
10/14/2022 Red, R, 2:30-4:15 Lovely musty fall scent fills the airYellows, oranges, reds and greensSoft crunchy steps on leaf-carpeted trailsGolden light Illuminating yellow-orange trees which cover most...
Red Berries
10/3/2022 Land, L, 3:20-5:15 Beautiful, sunny fall dayWind, rustling leaves, singing cricketsCreams, tans light browns and green grassesTiny white “daisies” and purple “daisies”...
Rocky Banks
9/29/2022 water L, uv82, 4:00-5:50 Wind: 10mph from EOC: 6 Cool windy fall dayGoldenrods surround, yellows with slight hints of orange emerging in the trees, rose grassesWater more shallow than ever: deep...
Orange Mushroom Blooms
9/6/2022, NC, red L, 2:45-4:50 Soaked trails and shiny wet dripping leavesDamp mushroom scentsSun twinkles leaves and rocksSlight breezes shake drops from the canopy aboveCreek water rushing over rocks...
Cloud-Smeared Mirrored Water
8/28/22, GV, water R, uv82, 4:15-6:00pm Wind: 8mph from SOC: 7+/8 (below the choppy surface) Geometric wind chopped waterWater sparkling brilliantly into the WestGentle backdrop of cricketsTurtles slide...
Bounding Butterflies
8/24/2022, red R, 2:20-4:10pm Space filled with rattle, chiming, chirping, tweeting, buzzing and crunching from the cicadas, crickets, birds, bugs, trail stepsA few more yellow leaves speckle pathDaddy...