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Mercury Water
8/20/2022 water L, vdr81, 9:15-11:00 Wind: 3-5mph from SOC: 7 Sun opaqued by hazy summerSilvery shimmers with golden sparklesCrickets ringing gently, bird chirps and sonsLovely sweet herbal scentSole slender...
Copper Coated Dragonfly
8/18/2022, GV, water R, uv82, 9:30-11:10am Wind: 2mph from SWOC: 7 Sun gleaming in water with smeared cloudsRhythmic chorus of cicadas in the backdrop of high chimed cricketsWater in 4 coated with goose...
Velvety Black Butterfly
8/16/2022, NC, red L, 3:10-5:00pm Follow the velvety black butterfly down the trailSurrounded by a soft wall of cricketsChirps, rattles and crunchy stepsBrightly dappled trail amidst illuminated greenOrange...
Sparkling Dewy Grass
8/13/2022. GV, land L, 9:15-10:45? Arrive greeted by the welcoming birds, bands of crickets and such sweet scentsFlat mirrored water broken occasionally by fish jumpsSparkling dewy grassFeathery streaked...
Glistening Thistle
8/11/2022, GV, water R, 82uv, 9:00-10:40am Wind 3-6mph from NOC: 7 Glistening thistle and grassesResounding cricketsSweetest fresh herbal scentGleaming fertile water with suspended algaeSurface coated...
Belly Flop Into Sparkles
8/7/2022, GV, water L, 81vdr, 8:55-10:40am Wind:7mph from SOC: 7/7+ Brilliant shimmers beckonFish happily jump and belly flop into the sparklesWind and rattling cicada undulations swallow all thoughtsFinish...