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Streaky White Whisps
7/2/2024, water L, 65stingray, 2:15-4:15pm Wind: 6mph from SOC: 6 Streaky white wisps in blue skyCormorant patrols, dives in reclaimed 1NBright green trees and blue sky ripple and smear on waterLeaves...
Brightest Green Snake
6/28/2024, old school (minus green) 10:00-12:00 Fresh lovely foliage scentsContemplating dreamsCrickets, bird songs and crunch of trailStill, dark, engulfing forest lets in slips of lightSoft periwinkle...
Cormorant Is Back!
6/27/2024, water R, 65stingray, 2:20-4:30pm Wind: 8mph from NEOC: 6+ Constant Breeze, breathing treesGeese perfectly still and aligned along 3/4 sandbarTurtles recede from rocks into waterPlumes of silt...
Intricate Spider Webs
6/22/2024, red R, 10:00-12:00pm Morning temp already above 85° and humidBirds call sweetly back and forth amid gentle backdrop of cricketsQuiet trickle of the creekDeep resonant sounds of rocks with each...
Fluff Lifts
6/13/2024, water L, 65stingray, 2:30pm Wind: 8mph from SOC: 6 Deep blue-green water beckonsGentle, soft and quietWind softly brushes treesFull flock quietly stands guard around young goose familyFluff...
Magnificently Sparkling Waters
6/7/2024, water R, 65stingray, 9:30-11:30am Wind: 12mph from WOC: 7 ( wrinkled by wind) Greeted by magnificently sparkling watersCrickets ringing, birds joyously singingFlocks of geese fly overheadPaddling...