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Inspiring Morning
5/25/2024, water L, 65stingray, 8:45-10:50am Wind: 8mph from WOC: 7/7+ Greeted by sparkling water, purple martin song and goose chatterSuch fresh sweet lovely scents fill 4SETall lovely purple and white...
Bathing Geese
5/19/2024, water R, 65stingray, 8:45am Wind: 4mph from SWOC: 8 Absolutely gorgeous brilliant morningDew-glistened greensGreen-blue water coated with pollen and fluffPurple Martin songsFish jumpingShadows...
Lovely Forest Scents
5/18/2024, red R, 9:30am Fresh, drippy, overcast morningDense greens filled with dense fragrancesChipmunks scurry and bound through leaves and over trailsDrops fall on umbrella leavesSlender, delicate,...
Pollen-Coated Water
5/16/2024, water L, 65stingray, 2:45-4:45pm Wind: 5mph from WOC: 7+ (under white fluff and pollen!) Lush green reflects in waterClouds smeared on surfaceWhite puffs bounce and float by on pollen-coated...
Quiet Geese
5/14/2024, land R, 3:30 Walk in the steady rainGreens and Smoky Blues from the Mist hovering in treesQuiet geese long ranks keeping a low profile with their babies
Black Hats and Gray Coats
5/10/2024, water R, 65stingray, 2:45-5:15pm Wind: 14mph from NOC: 6+/7 Cool windy afternoonBirds loving the peace of the wind – so many new onesBald eagle flies over 4SGreat Blue Heron searches for...