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6/1/2024, red L, 9:50-11:50am Cool Sunny morningGentle hush of crickets fill the forestSun-dappled trailsIridescent green beetlesCalm chatter of such a variety of birdsCrickets and birdsongs fill the space...
Flower, Sweet Clover and Daisy-Lined Banks
5/31/2024, water L, 65stingray, 2:50-4:50pm Wind: 7mph from EOC: 8 Constant breeze rustles leavesFaint orange-pink butterfly bush emergingTiny fuchsia flowers, sweet Clover and daisies line the banksSick(?)...
Wrinkled Blue-Green Water
5/28/2024, water R, 65stingray, 3:00-5:00pm Wind: 14mph from WOC: 6 Gorgeous wrinkled blue-green water on a sunny windy dayTurtles emerge, steady in turbulent waterNo sign at all of geese anywhere todayWind...
Inspiring Morning
5/25/2024, water L, 65stingray, 8:45-10:50am Wind: 8mph from WOC: 7/7+ Greeted by sparkling water, purple martin song and goose chatterSuch fresh sweet lovely scents fill 4SETall lovely purple and white...
Bathing Geese
5/19/2024, water R, 65stingray, 8:45am Wind: 4mph from SWOC: 8 Absolutely gorgeous brilliant morningDew-glistened greensGreen-blue water coated with pollen and fluffPurple Martin songsFish jumpingShadows...
Lovely Forest Scents
5/18/2024, red R, 9:30am Fresh, drippy, overcast morningDense greens filled with dense fragrancesChipmunks scurry and bound through leaves and over trailsDrops fall on umbrella leavesSlender, delicate,...