Nature Center

Gentle Breezes, Golden Rays

8/1/2022, NC, red R,  9:00- 11:00? Alive with crickets, bird chirps chipmunks, cicadasGentle breezes, golden raysWild turkeys spreading expansive wings, running along trail Oh, the Prairie – the crickets, the lovely scents, the emerging flowers and rising grassesCicadas ramping up by 10:00 Fully Alive 

Ebbs and flows

7/22/2022, red L, 2:20-4:10pm Ebbs and flows of cicada callsGentle whooshing of grasses and leavesDaddy long legs crossing trailsChirps and chirpsBaking moisture rises out of the PrairieButterflies flutterGolden hazy sunlightVirtually no one on the trails