Energy and Vibrance

9/15/2024, water R, 65stingray, 10:15-12:00

Wind: 7mph from E
OC: 6+/7

Gorgeous constant breeze rustles and flickers leaves
Gentle hush of crickets and grasshoppers surrounds
No evidence of geese except sprinkling of feathers on water’s surface
Goldenrod, boneset and delicate aster, fill the OG Sandbar of 1N
Door-creaking cormorants sounds from their trusty 1N perches
Brilliant sheen of wind-textured waters
Many shadows of paddlefish in 1 SE
Intricate spider web structures glisten from banks, stretching from rock to rock
Such a sweet, sweet herbal scent in 1N
Wind increases, wiping out thoughts
Yellow slowly spreads in trees with more little hints of orange
Growing Islands in 1, spreading sandbar across 3
Such energy and vibrance in the wind and Sparkling Waters
Such profound peace