6/17/2023 water L, 86tri, 8:30- 10:20
Wind: 2mph from N
OC: 8+
Steam rises from the water with ethereal grace
Settled fog opaques the trees
Crickets, birds songs and luscious scents fill the valley
North lake, still closed, beckons from beyond the bridge
Blue Heron footprints in shallow waters
Soft green in trees emerges as fog evaporates effortlessly
Perfect concentric circles left from Turtle heads popping to peek from underwater
Sun gleams up softly from water smeared with inverted green trees
Dew-glistened tall grasses line the banks
2 owls call back and forth from the trees in 4SE
Single Mallard bathes, ruffles and quacks in new islands of 3/4 SE
Turtle steam engines through shallow water, leaving a billowing trail of silt in its path
Absolute sweetest of scents fills 4SE
Three blue herons call to each other in flight, land as a group in the 3 islands – (maybe parents and juvie?)
Green heron sits watching on nearby Island
Juvenile blue heron allows me to sit nearby and watches as I whistle to him
So lucky to witness the majesty and gorgeous sound of a blue heron lifting off into flight
Shadow of lone paddlefish beneath the surface
Such beauty surrounds