7/22/2023, water R, 81v-dr 9:15-11:15
Wind: 2mph from S, change to 5mph from NE
OC: 8
Mirrored surface gleams and brilliantly sparkles
Paddling over the smooth clouds
Fluffs of feathers dot the surface
Geese glide by leaving a sparkling trail
Cicadas groups beginning to undulate in chorus
Birds of every kind sing from surrounding trees
Beaver day-swimming again in 3/4 and 3N
Geese preen on the rocks of 3
Cracks, slaps and plunges of large jumping fish
Turtles munch on plants below the clear surface
Crystal clear waters of 1
Blue Heron lifts from tree to fly across to northern banks
Green heron sits waiting on sticks of beaver dam
– He tufts his head feathers as he hops up to tree branches
Brilliant acrobatics of purple martins
From mirrored to texturized surface
So peaceful and lovely