4/19/2023, water L, 82u-v, 2:10-4:00
Wind: 7mph from S
OC: 6
Birds sing, chirp and call
Green-aquamarine pool
Sweet, sweet floral scent drifts through air
Turtles drop in from the rocks
The Silent Kayaker says a word
Shore birds scamper across rocks with purpose
Sparkling, glittering wind-chopped water
Giant bumblebee buzzes past
My Kookaburra is back (in 4SE)!
Ridged baby turtle floats
Shadowed fish dart below
Bright green spreads halfway up the hillside
Speckles of pink lilac red buds emerging
1N still closed off with shallow water
Coot head emerges only to dive back underwater. He resurfaces and runs and flaps across the water in escape
Falcon soars up above
Constant soft floral breeze
So many birdsongs fill the air