7/3/2023, land L, 9:00-11:00
Gorgeous opaque morning with green blue water and emerald trees
Crickets and birds join in gorgeous orchestral masterpiece
Water beckons, but walking today to fight off covid
Interesting red velvet cone-shaped flowers (staghorn sumac?)
Tiny Gray spider stands out amid the red velvet
Sweet yellow flowers line the trails
Lovely white sweet clover, tiny white daisies, smatterings of black-eyed susans, coneflower daisies and butterfly weed among the brown prickly teasel populate the Prairie
Evidence of diligent woodwork of beavers chopping down trees for their dams
Turtles cascade into water at the sound of approaching footsteps
Dark clouds feather down amidst their silvery backdrop
Bits of blue sky starting to emerge from behind clouds
Eagle’s nest overlook completely overgrown and lush – no longer “an overlook”
Bees and bugs meticulously collect from every sprouting milkweed flower
No more sign on 1/2 bridge – looks like North lake is open for next paddle!!!
-Flocks of geese got the memo, too
Shy little box turtle on the trail
Raindrops stipple the lake with concentric ripples
Such perfect, peaceful harmony