5/10/2023, water R, 81vdr, 9:20-11:00
Wind: 4mph from E
OC: 7+
Green trees smeared into the water
Perfect floating images of wispy white clouds
Sun gleams from water
Claps and wrinkles from jumping fish
Choir of thousands of different birds sings exuberantly
Geese no longer sitting silently incognito at nests – they’re all quietly surrounding at least one little baby puff in the grass!
New sweet scent lingers faintly in 2
Pollen coats the water: swirling, glistening
Discarded opened fresh oyster shells on banks – who eats the mussels?
Breeze chisels and vibrantly sparkles water
New beaver dam starting in 4/5?
Turtles cascade from banks in 5
Gentle castanet frog sounds starting
Absolutely gorgeous morning