9/22/2023, water L, 86tri, 3:30-5:00
Wind: 9mph from E
OC: 6+ (chopped up)
Gorgeous, windy, sunny day
Water breathes with wind energy
More and more yellow in the trees
Unfortunately needs to be said again: lowest water levels ever
Significant drop since last time – two new islands in 1N
Walked entire channel under 1/2 bridge
-(Possibly the last time in 1 for a while?)
One Cormorant waits today
Wind carves brilliantly sparkling paths
Original 1N beaver dam adapting to lowering water levels
Turtles leisurely sunbathe, occasionally float
They watch me pass today
Cool water on feet
1NW branch up just above mid-thigh
Beavers recently working on new 3NE dam: paw prints in wert mud
Crickets and grasshoppers come into consciousness when wind dampens briefly
Yellows and oranges tinge the green trees
Shadow of paddlefish in 3
Wind pushes and shapes
Such indescribable beauty, peace and harmony